Ontario Hunter Jumper Association

Please ensure to check horse show venue programs and schedules for final details around OHJA programs as dates as subject to change.

OHJA Hunter Programs


Pony Power Series

The Pony Power classes are intended to develop skills for the young rider and to familiarize riders and parents with scored hunter rounds. One Pony Power class will be included in each of the EC Small, Medium and Large Pony Divisions at select venues.

The class is one round, over a ‘handy’ styled course.

The class may consist of a rollback, trot fence, hand gallop fence, bending line, a halt, option fence, bounce or a fence jumped in a direct line to/from the in gate.

Rounds will be scored based on traditional hunter criteria and the scores will be announced. Ponies will be required to jog (at the discretion of the venue to be a closing trot circle or jogged in hand).

These classes will be run at the following competitions:

  • June 5 - 9, The Champions, Angelstone
  • June 19 - 23, The System Equine Summer Cup, Caledon Equestrian Park
  • July 3 - 7, Ottawa Summer Tournaments I, Wesley Clover Parks
  • July 10 - 14, Ottawa Summer Tournaments II, Wesley Clover Park
  • July 24 - 28, The Kubota International, Caledon Equestrian Park
  • August 21 - 25, Ten Sixty Stables

There will be special ribbons and prizes awarded by the OHJA for these classes.

At select shows there will also be one hunter round of the Children’s Pony, Short Stirrup and Cross Rail divisions that will be run with open scoring and awarded special prizes-these classes do not qualify for a final.

Provincial Award points will be awarded in the Pony Power qualifier classes as per EC rule G113 Equestrian Canada rules.

Pony Power Finals

Hosted at the Greenhawk Outdoor Finale, September 25 - 29 at Caledon Equestrian Park.

Competitors competing in the OHJA Pony Power classes of the EC Small, Medium and Large Pony Divisions are eligible to qualify for the OHJA Pony Power Finals. The Final is open to the pony/rider combinations that have won a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place ribbon in one of the qualifying classes of the current season. Entries will be required to ride in for ribbons. Formal attire is requested for the Final. The Final does not count towards Provincial Standings per EC rule G113.

The Final will be one handy round to be shown over a course of 10 jumps with appropriate adjustments for Small, Medium and Large ponies. The course will include at least three tests from the following list: rollback, trot fence, hand gallop fence, bending line, halt, option fence, gate, dismount, bounce and direct line to/from a jump to the in gate. Open numerical scoring will be based on traditional hunter criteria with an emphasis on style and handiness.

Ribbons and prizes will be awarded through 10th.

There will also be $5,000 in prize money to be awarded through to 10th as follows for the finals:
1/$1250, 2/$1000, 3/$800 4/$500, 5/$400, 6/$300, 7/$250, 8/$250, 9/$125, 10/$125

A prize will also be awarded to the top placing Small, Medium and Large Pony in the Finals.

Entries (owner, and rider) in both the qualifying classes and the finals must have a current OHJA membership to participate.

View the current list of qualified ponies here.

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NEW 2'6'' Jr/Am Development Derby

NEW for 2024! The OHJA is pleased to offer a development opportunity for Jr/Am riders and their horses to compete in a Derby format ith open numerical scoring at the 2'6'' height. The intention is to provide a class for those OHJA members to try a derby for the first time, or with a green horse, and for those who one day aspire to compete in the Canadian Hunter Derby Series.

The Development Derby class will be shown over one round with fences set to 2'6'', with 2'9'' high options. The course will include huner classic, handy hunter, and field hunting fence elements. Open numerical scoring will be used. Bonus points will be awarded for use of high options and additional bonus points may be awarded for handiness at the judge's discretion. Open numerical scoring.

This class will be restricted to Junior and Amateur riders only. Horse/rider combinations competing over 3'0/0.9m at the same competition and ponies are not eligible to compete. Formal attire is requested.

The OHJA has requested that the entry fee be set at no more than $90.

At Ottawa Equestrian Tournaments and TenSixty, this will be run as a seperate class. The OHJA will provide ribbons 1st - 10th and $1,500 prize money.

At Angelstone Events, this class will run in conjunction with Angelstone's Almost Derby Class and will be judged seperately. The OHJA will provide ribbons 1st - 10th and $1,125 prize money at three events in the 2024 season.

There will be no points tracking or year end awards for this program. 

This class will be run at the following competitions:

  • June 19 - 23, The System Equine Summer Cup, Angelstone
  • July 3 - 7, Ten Sixty Stables
  • July 10 - 14, Ottawa Summer Tournaments II
  • July 24 - 28, Kubota International, Caledon Equestrian Park
  • August 7 - 11, Major League Showjumping Opener & Hunter Showcase at Angelstone

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OHJA Hunt n' Go Derby $10,000 Team Challenge

NEW for 2024! The Hunters will take over the Grand Prix ring at the Greenhawk Outdoor Finale at Caledon Equestrian Park on Saturday September 28, 2024.

Sign up your Team of 3 horse/rider combinations comprised of one junior, one amateur and one professional. Riders will be judged over a one round derby-like course with fences set to 3' in height with 3'3'' high options. The course may include huner classic, handy hunter, and field hunting fence elements. Open numerical scoring will be used. Bonus points will be awarded for use of high options and additional bonus points may be awarded at the judge's discretion. Final placings will be on the accumulated total score of all three horse/rider combinations.

The OHJA will provide $10,000 in prize money, coolers for the winning team and ribbons from 1st through 10th for each team. Spectators and barns are encouraged to "tailgate" at the ring to cheer on their favourite team. 

Horses and riders may only compete on one team. Class will be limited to 10 teams. Teams must register with the show office in advance of the event. Ponies are not eligible to compete. This class will not count towards OHJA Provincial Awards. 

Ribbons and prize money to 10th. 

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Canadian Hunter Derby Series High Point Awards

The OHJA is proud to partner with the Canadian Hunter Derby Series to offer high point rider bonuses for the top OHJA members in the year end standings of the 3ft and 3'6'' sections of the Canadian Hunter Derby Series. 

About the class: This class is meant to improve the skills of horse and rider at more challenging and technical hunter derby courses.This high-performance hunter class presents competitors an opportunity to best showcase the talents of horse and rider over a challenging course with high performance, handy and “take your own line” options. The class combines a Hunter Classic with a Handy Hunter class in a one round format.

The OHJA is committed to supporting its members participating in this series. Follow the OHJA on Facebook and Instagram where we will have a Derby Leaderboard to keep track of the Top 5 in each section.

At Ontario shows where a Canadian Hunter Derby is offered, horse/rider combinations will accummulate points based on their placing.

1st 10 points
2nd 9 points
3rd 8 points
4th 7 points
5th 6 points
6th 5 points
7th 4 points
8th 3 points
9th 2 points
10th 1 point

The top 5 riders for each height section with the most points at the conclusion of the regular season. Regional and National Finals do not count. The bonus is awarded to the rider of the top placing horse/rider combinations. Riders must be an OHJA member to receive the bonus. 

Placing 3' Section 3'6'' Section
1 $600 $1,200
2 $500 $1,000
3 $400 $800
4 $300 $600
5 $200 $400

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The OHJA Young Hunter Development Series 

The OHJA is committed to developing young hunters in Ontario and we are pleased to bring you the OHJA Young Hunter Development Series. The intention is to provide classes specifically for Young Hunters. These classes will give Ontario breeders and Ontario owners an opportunity to network at Gold Competitions in order to develop and market their young horses and breeding programs. 
In 2024, the OHJA is excited to expand the series with support from Ottawa Equestrian Tournaments and TenSixty. Ottawa Equestrian Tournaments will be hosting OHJA Young Hunter Development classes at all of their 2024 events, providing even more opportunity for young hunters in Ontario. They will also be hosting the Finals which will include two over fences classes. The future of young hunters in Ontario is bright! 

These classes will be offered at the following shows:
May 16 - 19, Ottawa Welcome, Wesley Clover Parks
May 23 - 26, Ottawa Welcome II, Welsey Clover Parks
July 3 - 7, Ottawa Summer Tournaments I, Wesley Clover Parks
July 10 - 14, Ottawa Summer Tournaments II, Wesley Clover Parks
August 21 - 25, Ten Sixty Stables

Class Specifications:
A model, under saddle and over fences class restricted to Young Horses ages 3 to 5 years old. The Model Under saddle and over fences class are run and judged separately-scoring is not cumulative. Horses are not required to compete in all three classes.

Model: shown in hand; to be judged on conformation, manners, way of moving and soundness. 50% on movement and 50% on conformation.

Under Saddle: To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring; no hand-gallop; to be judged on conformation, manners, way of moving and soundness. 60% on movement and 40% on confirmation.

Over Fences: The course will be set at 2'3” with no more than 8 jumps. To be judged on their jumping style, manners and way of going. Horse Show venue may run a closed card schooling class prior the over fences portion.


Registration for these classes must include valid copy of horse’s papers for proof of age (Tattooed thoroughbreds without papers are eligible when a letter provided from a vet confirming the tattoo number and corresponding year of birth). Papers may be randomly checked by a show vet.

Not open to ponies. Junior B and C riders must not ride or handle stallions per EC rule G105.
Baby Green status is not affected by participating in the over fences portion of this program.

All entries must have valid current OHJA memberships for both owner and rider/handler.

Ribbons and prize money to 8th for the 3 classes:
Model $500, U/S $500 and O/F $500
1/ $130, 2/$100, 3/$80,4/$65, 5/$50, 6/$35, 7/$20, 8/$20

Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded by the OHJA. We are happy to partner with the Canadian Sport Horse Association www.c-s-h-a.org/ who have generously sponsored a cooler for our Champion and prize for Reserve Champion at each event. Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded based on most points accumulated across the classes being offered. Tie breaker for Champion and Reserve Champion as follows: 1st tie breaker will be most points o/f, 2nd tie breaker will be most points u/s, 3rd tie breaker will be most points in the model.

All entries must have valid current OHJA memberships for both owner and rider/handler. There are no OHJA Year End Awards for this program.

OHJA Young Hunter Development Final 

Finals are open to those that enter, but the OHJA reserves the right to restrict the Finals to entries that have shown in at least 1 Young Hunter Development Class during the regular season. 

Ribbons and prize money to 8th for the 4 classes:
Model $500, U/S $500 and two O/F classes at $500
1/ $130, 2/$100, 3/$80,4/$65, 5/$50, 6/$35, 7/$20, 8/$20

Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded and generously supported by the Canadian Sport Horse Association.

Eligibility criteria remains the same for the Finals as the Series.

The 2024 Young Hunter Development Final will be hosted at the Ottawa National, September 12 - 15, 2024.

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OHJA Emerging Rider Hunter Medal 

The OHJA Emerging Rider Hunter Medal provides riders the opportunity to experience equitation classes and help spark an interest and passion for equitation.

This Medal class will be offered to the following divisions:

  • Short Stirrup
  • Beginner Children’s / Adult
  • Low Children's
  • Low Adult
  • Children’s Pony.

Riders competing in the Small, Medium or Large Pony GP Medal are not eligible to participate.

This class will be run concurrently with the regular division classes. Course will include one of the following tests: halt, trot fence, rollback, or a bending line.

The top 20 riders from each division will be invited to the Finals at the BFL Caledon Cup CSI 2*. The OHJA reserves the right to extend entries to more than 20 riders. 

These classes will run at the following competitions:

  • May 29 - June 2, The Erin Welcome, Angelstone
  • June 19 - 23, The System Equine Summer Cup, Caledon Equestrian Park
  • July 3 - 7, Ottawa Summer Tournament I, Wesley Clover Parks
  • July 10 - 14, Ottawa Summer Tournament II, Wesley Clover Parks
  • July 24 - 28, The Kubota International, Caledon Equestrian Park
  • August 21 - 25, Ten Sixty Stables
  • August 28 - September 1, Hunter Spectacular, Angelstone
  • FINALS August BFL Caledon Cup CSI 2*, Caledon Equestrian Park

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OHJA 2'6'' Jr/Am Hunter 

Open to all Junior and Adult Amateur rider designations as per EC rules, guidelines, and limitations.

Courses will be made up of hunter style jumps and set at a height not to exceed 2ft6”.  To be shown over a course of at least eight (8) fences. Classes will be run per EC rules.

Horse/Rider combinations may not cross enter any division requiring them to jump higher than 2’9”. Showing in this division will affect a horse’s eligibility. Ribbons to 8th. No jogging required.

Entries must be an OHJA member. Points will be tracked for OHJA Provincial Year End Awards.


Check individual venue prize lists to see where this division will be offered.

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OHJA Short Stirrup

Intended as an introduction to horse showing for junior riders not ready for the regular pony and hunter divisions. Ponies and horses may enter. Riders must be in their first or second year of showing and may cross enter into the Walk Trot and or “C” Equitation on the flat classes. Riders may not show in any other classes that require them to jump higher than 2”. Riders are restricted from participation in the Children’s Pony Division. Suitability is a factor. Horses or ponies may show in other classes with a different rider. This division will jump a course of hunter style jumps not to exceed 2’ and no oxors. Jogging is at the discretion of show management. Short Stirrup may run concurrently with Long Stirrup.

Entries must be an OHJA member. Points will be tracked for OHJA Provincial Year End Awards.


Check individual venue prize lists to see where this division will be offered.

Instagram Snaps