The OHJA is committed to developing young hunters in Ontario. The Young Hunter Development Series will give Ontario breeders and owners an opportunity to network at gold competitions in order to develop and market their young horses and breeding programs.
Class Specifications:
Classes run and judged separately. Scoring not cumulative. Horses are not required to compete in all three classes.
- Model: Shown in hand. To be judged on conformation, manners, way of moving and soundness. 50% on movement and 50% on conformation.
- Under Saddle: To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring; no hand-gallop. To be judged on conformation, manners, way of moving and soundness. 60% on movement and 40% on confirmation.
- Over Fences: Course set at 2’3” with no more than 8 jumps. To be judged on jumping style, manners and way of going. Horse Show venue may run a closed card schooling class prior the over fences portion
Includes two over fences classes.
Open to horses aged 3 to 5 years old.
Registration for these classes must include valid copy of horse’s papers for proof of age (Tattooed thoroughbreds without papers are eligible when a letter provided from a vet confirming the tattoo number and corresponding year of birth). Papers may be randomly checked by a show vet.
Not open to ponies.
Junior B and C riders must not ride or handle stallions per EC rule G105.
Baby Green status is not affected by participating in the over fences portion of this program.
All entries must have valid current OHJA memberships for both owner and rider/handler.
Open to those that enter.
The OHJA reserves the right to restrict final entries to those that have shown in at least one Young Hunter Development Class during the regular season.
- Ottawa Welcome
- Ottawa Summer Tournaments
- Ten Sixty Classic
- Ottawa National (Final)
- Ribbons to 8th
- Prizes
- Champion and Reserve Champion awarded based on most points accumulated across the classes being offered
Tie breaker for Champion and Reserve Champion as follows:
- 1st tie breaker – most points over fences,
- 2nd tie breaker – most points under saddle
- 3rd tie breaker – points in the model.
- $500 prize money per class for regular season and Final
- Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded and generously supported by the Canadian Sport Horse Association www.c-s-h-a.org/.